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DELF from B1 level
DELF-DALF is the official French language diploma for adults to certify their French skills. It is accepted in the process of French naturalization from B1 level. It is created by the France Education International (FEI).

TEF Naturalisation
TEF Naturalisation is the official French language diploma for adults to certify their French skills. It is accepted in the process of French naturalisation and is created by the CCI Paris.
Prepare your exam online with PrepMyFuture
To prepare your exam efficiently and get a better score at your exam, Alliance Française Dubai highly recommends PrepMyFuture.
PrepMyFuture was co-developped by Paris Chamber of Commerce. It is the official TEF/DELF exam preparation. It covers all the parts of TEF/DELF and allows you to practice in actual exam conditions.
Unlimited access to the platform for 1 year
Mock-exams in actual exam conditions
Performance analysis & detailed answer keys

- 1 Preparations covering all areas of the text
- 2 Lessons available for all types of questions
- 3 Grammar & vocabulary reminders
- 4 Adaptive learning for all concepts
- 5 Complete mock up exams to familiarize with test
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